Posted December 31, 2019 in General Plastic Surgery, by Dr. Fiorillo
When patients are considering plastic surgery, the questions can seem overwhelming: What procedure is right for me? Are all plastic surgeons the same? Where do I go? These questions are even more important in a world where nearly anyone can advertise themselves as a plastic surgeon. In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recently launched a media campaign explaining the dangers of this “white coat deception.” Essentially, white coat deception is when physicians perform plastic and cosmetic surgery without board certification. Surprisingly, it’s legal in most states. Concerned? So are we.
Before you undergo plastic surgery, consider our three S’s – Surgeon, Strategy and Site:
- Surgeon: Choosing a qualified surgeon is the most important step when it comes to plastic surgery. Make sure you’re dealing with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon by asking to see credentials. To get a sense of past work, Plastic Surgery Before and After photos can also be an invaluable tool. Be your own advocate!
- Strategy: Ask questions, and learn your options. A good surgeon will work with you to set realistic goals, learn the potential benefits and risks of surgery, and come up with a comprehensive cosmetic strategy. The best way to do this is to schedule a Plastic Surgery Consultation. Do your homework!
- Site: Last, but not least, is to find out where you’ll be treated. Make sure that you’re going to be cared for in a well-equipped, state of the art plastic surgery facility. Never take this detail lightly!
Plastic Surgeon in New York and New Jersey
To schedule a plastic surgery consultation, we encourage you to contact us today. Our offices are in Montvale, NJ, Pearl River, NY and SOHO, NYC. Call today at (845) 842-1258. We look forward to meeting you.
Stock images of models are used throughout this website and should not be interpreted as actual patients of our practice. Individual results may vary.