Psychological & Aesthetic Benefits
After a mastectomy, some women elect to have breast reconstruction surgery to receive the psychological and aesthetic benefits when recovering from breast cancer. This procedure provides the opportunity for many women to return fully to the life they enjoyed before their diagnosis with barely any signs of the disease remaining.
The treatment of the cancer is the main focus of the patient and the doctor, and restoration of appearance after breast cancer recovery can often aid in complete recovery of the mind and body. Sometimes, a previous breast implant surgery may need to be revised due to rupture, complications, or even poorly done surgery. Dr. Fiorillo is an expert in both breast revisions and Breast Reconstruction in Pearl River. He recommends gummy bear breast implants for most women because they are the safest, most natural looking and feeling implants available.
Restore your Breasts
Many women find that their breasts are an important symbol of femininity and that they help define their self-confidence and body image. An altered appearance can be as psychologically damaging as the initial cancer diagnosis. At our office in Pearl River Breast Reconstruction surgery serves to restore a woman’s body to its original condition once the cancer treatment is done. Most of the aesthetic changes caused by cancer treatments, such as partial or simple mastectomy, can be significantly improved by breast reconstruction surgery.
Is Breast Reconstruction Right For You?
Although breast reconstruction is a beneficial procedure for many women, it is not right for everyone. In order to undergo any kind of Breast Reconstruction surgery, women should be in good general health and able to handle the stress of a surgical procedure. Certain factors may increase your risk of complications with breast reconstruction surgery, and it may be best to postpone this elective procedure until risk factors are reduced. To determine what is right for you, consult with Dr. Fiorillo, the foremost surgeon in breast reconstruction in Pearl River, NY, and Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Meet Dr. Fiorillo
Over 20 years of experience in breast and body procedures
Over 13,000 breast and body surgeries performed
National media consultant
Trusted by the creators of gummy bear implants to teach other plastic surgeons
Complex revision surgery expert often called upon to correct prior/botched surgeries
Two people in my family had went to Dr. F, so I had a good background on him, so me and four of my friends all went with him they all are so happy with him. (On Breast Augmentation)
Breast Reconstruction
How is a breast reconstruction performed?
The procedure can be performed two ways: either by using breast implants to replace the removed breast tissue or with another procedure that utilizes the skin and fat (fat transfer) from another area of the body. Both procedures have several different modifications that can be made to best suit the needs of the patient. Dr. Fiorillo’s expertise in this area will determine what procedure will be used.
Breast Reconstruction by implant is very similar to a breast augmentation with the use of a silicone or saline-filled implant to replace the breast tissue. This requires coverage with skin from the patient’s breast, but much of it may have been removed during the mastectomy. If more skin is needed, then a tissue expander will be put in place to stretch the remaining breast skin and muscle over a period of a several weeks, and it will then be replaced by the permanent implant. Skin can also be taken from the patient’s back and transferred to the breast area.
Breast reconstruction using a flap of the patient’s skin and fat from another part of the body is called autologous tissue-based breast reconstruction, and sometimes muscle tissue is included in the transplant. The flap may remain attached to its original blood supply or can be reattached to another part of the body. There are a number of different types of flaps that can be used during breast reconstruction. The type of mastectomy helps to determine which type of flap may be used.
Can the opposite breast be treated during the same procedure?
Usually, because one breast is being reconstructed, the other needs to be modified to achieve symmetry. During Breast Reconstruction Pearl River patients should know that drooping breasts are often hard to match, so both breasts can be treated in order to reduce cost and recovery time for the patients. The opposite breast is often shaped with a breast lift to gain symmetry. This will lift the other breast to match the newly reconstructed breast. Scars from a breast lift can be easily concealed around and below the areola. Breast reduction may be necessary for women with large and/or naturally drooping breasts.
How do breasts look and feel after breast reconstruction?
The results vary depending on the type of procedure used and the patient’s individual case. Dr. Fiorillo will strive to achieve the most natural look, but they will not have the same sensation and feel of a real breast. It is important for patients to have realistic expectations regarding this before undergoing Breast Reconstruction.
What is the recovery from breast reconstruction like?
You may experience some discomfort for the first few days after your surgery, but you will be given pain medication as needed. You will be closely monitored throughout your stay. Not long after surgery, you will be encouraged to move your arms but still refrain from more strenuous activities like pulling yourself up, getting out of bed, or lifting heavy objects. The day after surgery, you will usually be able to sit in a chair beside the bed, and by the second day, most patients are walking without assistance. You may continue to receive intravenous fluids for a few days, but you will slowly progress to a regular diet. You will have drains at the incision sites. If you go home with these drains in place, Dr. Fiorillo will give you instructions on how to care for them. The length of your stay depends on your operation and the progression of your recovery. Reduction of side effects and successful recovery all relate to acquiring the best in the field. Contact Dr. Fiorillo, the most talented surgeon doing breast reconstruction in Pearl River, NY, and Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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