Liposuction: Doing More Than Making You Look Good

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Posted December 08, 2020 in General Plastic Surgery, by Dr. Fiorillo

Although liposuction is a procedure often regarded as cosmetic, new research is showing that it might do more for your health than previously realized. How much more? Read on to find out.

How Liposuction Can Help

Liposuction involves the removal of subcutaneous fat. For years it was thought that subcutaneous fats had little or less impact on cardiovascular disease, but with recent studies, that’s proving to be not entirely true. Patients with high triglyceride levels who’ve undergone liposuction procedures saw a 43% reduction within three months of surgery. In layman’s terms? The liposuction procedure has had much the same effect that taking medication can have.

The effect liposuction has on a patient’s white blood cell count was another interesting finding. A high white blood cell count can put you more at risk for complications from heart disease. After liposuction, though, patients saw their white cells drop by over ten percent.

No doubt there’s more research to be done, but these new findings are promising. For many, liposuction is a way to shed unwanted inches, but if you’re at risk of cardiovascular disease, it can be more. Liposuction might be the procedure that gets you on a healthier track and gives you the chance to enjoy your new body.

Are You Considering Liposuction?

Whether you’re considering a liposuction procedure for a health-related reason or a cosmetic one, we’re here to talk it out with you.

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