Posted September 06, 2022 in Celebrity Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery News, by Dr. Fiorillo
On the Oprah Winfrey show yesterday, Katherine Jackson, Michael Jackson’s mother, confirmed what the world has known all along; that the King of Pop was addicted to plastic surgery. According to Michael Jackson’s mother, the root of his plastic surgery addiction was his desire to prevent the spread of Vitiligo. It’s been speculated for years that perhaps the pop star was trying to lighten his skin and that Vitiligo was simply used as an excuse. Jackson’s mother claims that this was not truly the case.
Katherine Jackson said to Oprah Winfrey that “He didn’t want to start looking ‘like a spotted cow,’ he said. I don’t know what in the world he did to change that, but he did. He had more than two, he was just embarrassed. I hear that people get addicted to plastic surgery, and I think that’s what happened to him. I said, that’s enough.” Jackson’s mother did not address the other plastic surgeries that it’s been speculated he’s had over the years, but plastic surgery addiction as she mentions, could incorporate more than she’s prepared to admit.
This confession does, however, confirm what’s been speculated for decades and for the first time, it’s been confirmed that the King of Pop did have excessive plastic surgery!
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