Posted April 10, 2018 in Skin Procedures, by Dr. Fiorillo
If you suffer from facial flushing or rosacea, you know how annoying it is that your face frequently feels hot and looks red. It’s not so much of a healthy flush as an embarrassed, fire-truck red, and it needs to go!
Your skincare regime can go a long way towards reducing redness – soothing products containing oatmeal, aloe Vera or licorice extract can all help to tone down redness and calm your skin. Avoid steaming your face or overly hot environments, and treat your skin gently when cleansing and removing makeup; try to avoid pulling at it. If your skin is irritated and sensitive, using a natural cleanser and aloe Vera gel to soothe it can help, as can taking an antihistamine.
You might not have considered plastic surgery for your rosacea, but NY surgeons can help! Laser treatment has been shown to heal and strengthen broken capillaries and spider veins, greatly reducing redness with just a few treatments. In many cases, the results are noticeable after the first session.
Spicy foods, hot drinks, caffeine and alcohol are the worst offenders when it comes to facial redness.This isn’t to say that you need to cut these out of your diet entirely, but try to limit them to once a week or so. In some people, salty or fatty food can also cause flare ups. Plenty of water and a diet containing fresh fruit and vegetables will help to minimize redness.
Facial flushing can be more than embarrassing, it can knock your confidence and make you feel down. But with a combination of diet, skincare and laser treatment, you can soon be on the path back to beautiful skin!
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