Posted December 21, 2010 in Arm Lift (Brachioplasty), by Dr. Fiorillo
A brachioplasty is an arm lift that reduces the appearance of excess skin due to rapid weight loss or aging in the area under the bicep of the arm. The surgical procedure removes the skin and tightens the portion of the underarm region to the elbow. Exercise can improve and strengthen the muscle tone of the upper arm, but sometimes exercise cannot get rid of the excess skin that hangs from the arm. This is commonly referred to as batwings’ in the cosmetic surgery field. If you have tried exercise and you find that you have sagging or excess skin that is loose or full due to excessive skin and fat, then a brachioplasty might be right for you.
Before you consider the option of brachioplasty, there are some important issues to keep in mind:
Once you have the surgery you will have a scar on the underside of the arm going from the length of the armpit to the elbow. The scar may fade over time and be barely noticeable, but it will still be there and may take years to vanish if it does so at all.
The financial cost of having this surgical procedure done can be quite expensive and Medicare or Private insurance will usually not cover this unless it is a health problem or there is some other problem or discomfort from having this excess skin or fat.
If you are a smoker then you should quit before having any type of surgery including cosmetic surgery. Being a smoker can cause complications during surgery.
There are benefits to this type of surgical procedure. Your arms will be more toned and proportionate in appearance. The skin and excess fat will be reduced and result in a smoother looking skin and contour of the arms.
Before choosing any cosmetic surgery, every patient should discuss the potential risks and benefits with their surgeon. Dr. Fiorillo is an expert in cosmetic surgical procedures in New York and New Jersey.
Contact Dr. Fiorillo us at (845) 623-6141 for more information.
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