What’s The Scoop On Bristol Palin’s Plastic Surgery?

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Posted August 10, 2021 in Skin Procedures, by Dr. Fiorillo

Bristol Palin has been thrust into the public eye thanks to her mother’s political career, the media attention she’s attracted as a young mother, and her stint on Dancing With the Stars. Most recently, the media has been focusing on her again due to apparent facial changes.

Bristol Palin’s Rumored Plastic Surgery

There has been speculation that Bristol has had plastic surgery as her jaw area appears more chiseled. While some individuals have speculated that she had a chin reconstruction, or liposuction around the jugular area, Bristol claims it was medical necessity. She admits that she did have surgery, but that it was so her “jaw and teeth could properly realign”.

Bristol does also admit that she is happy about the changes she sees as a result of this necessary surgery. She says that she finds she looks older and appreciates that she’s lost some ‘baby fat’ around her neck.

Get Plastic Surgery Like the Stars

While Bristol Palin may not have had surgery, if you would like to replicate her look with a chin surgerycontact us!

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