What Should I Know About Breast Implants, NY?

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Posted January 02, 2018 in Uncategorized, by Dr. Fiorillo

If you’re thinking about getting a breast augmentation in NY, you may have noticed that the sheer amount of information available online is overwhelming. Hopefully we can make things a little easier on you by pointing out some important things to consider before your surgery.

1. Be picky about your doctor – this is your body after all, so why would you settle for anything less than the best? Make sure your doctor is board certified, and is easy to communicate with.
2. Do your research, but keep an open mind– Educating yourself before your breast augmentation in NY is great, but it may play out that the doctor tells you that you have to go a size smaller, or a size larger due to the elasticity of your skin or that a certain procedure isn’t advisable. Just be ready for any curveballs.
3. Be certain of why you want implants – The decision to get breast implants in NY isn’t an easy one. Make sure you’re doing it for you, and not to please anyone else or live up to an unrealistic ideal you’ve set. When made intelligently, the decision to get a breast augmentation in NY can make a woman feel good about her body image and improve a her self-image and self-confidence, which is the ideal outcome.

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