What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

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Posted July 23, 2013 in Breast Reduction, by Dr. Fiorillo
What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery?

After a mastectomy, many women miss having breasts, and for a good reason. They are a symbol of femininity and make a significant difference in how clothing can fit. This is why they commonly search online, “what is breast reconstruction surgery?” It is common for women to turn to breast reconstruction surgery for recreating a complete bust. There are several techniques, but popular ones include silicone and saline implants. Depending on your circumstances, the doctor may suggest repurposing tissue from an area of the body, like the stomach, to make a breast.

Discover how a breast reconstruction surgery can help you love your body and regain confidence. Contact Dr. Fiorillo in Pearl River, NY, to schedule a free consultation. Call (845) 842-1258 to learn more or continue reading to discover how this surgery can improve your quality of life.

Benefits of a Breast Reconstruction Surgery

  • Makes clothing fit better
  • Regain breast shape
  • Achieve balance in the chest
  • Improve body image
  • Boost self-confidence

What Is Breast Reconstruction Surgery For?

Breast reconstruction surgery is an elective procedure. Some women choose to get it done after a mastectomy, while others stay away from it. It is a personal choice. But women who view their breasts as part of their identity may be considering this procedure.

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Breast reconstruction effectively restores breast shape so women can feel more confident in their bodies. It is a worthwhile investment if it will boost confidence and improve one’s body image.

Cost of Breast Reconstruction Surgery

The cost of breast reconstruction surgery varies for each patient depending on many factors. As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost is a major concern for most people. At Dr. Fiorillo’s office, we help patients get their dream bodies while staying within their budgets.

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Factors that determine the final price of breast reconstruction surgery include:

  • Surgeon fees
  • Facility costs
  • Anesthesia
  • Medications
  • Post-surgery care
  • Geographic location
  • Type of breast reconstruction
  • Patient’s insurance coverage

If you are serious about getting this surgery, the first step is to book an initial consultation. Find out how much it will cost you by calling Dr. Fiorillo. Our experts will assess your body to determine which type of breast reconstruction is right for you. This will allow us to provide an accurate quote.

Breast Reconstruction Surgery Near Me | Pearl River, NY

Breast reconstruction surgery works wonders in delivering natural results that boost a woman’s confidence for life. If you have been on the fence about this treatment, contact Dr. Fiorillo. We are the top provider of breast reconstruction in Pearl River, New York. Women in the area trust us for their beauty treatments. Call (845) 842-1258 to schedule your free consultation.


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