Posted November 21, 2017 in Uncategorized, by Dr. Fiorillo
Countless people look in the mirror and wish they could do something about the wrinkles on their face. Luckily, with the rapid advancements in the field of aesthetic surgery, there are many solutions available to get the young, wrinkle-free look you want. Traditional techniques like such as Botox NYC paralyze the muscles responsible for frown lines and crow’s feet.
Additionally, many people opt for filler that plumps up the skin and fills in the wrinkles. Dr. Fiorillo has a variety of these available depending on your brand preference. His catalog includes: Dysport ,Juvederm, Perlane, Radiesse NYC.
For those looking to slim down, Dr. Fiorillo offers cutting edge services such as Zeltiq CoolSculpting NYC. CoolSculpting works by targeting fat or cellulite cells and freezing them until they die. The body then expels them via natural processes, to ensure they don’t come back. The whole process takes about 45 minutes, so you can get it done during your lunch break. The best part is, you’ll notice results as soon as your first session is over!
So whatever your cosmetic needs, Dr. Fiorillo has an option for you. Contact his friendly staff today to schedule your personal consultation.
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