Teen Plastic Surgery Banned Overseas

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Posted November 09, 2021 in Plastic Surgery News, by Dr. Fiorillo

There has been a major increase in the number of teens wishing to have plastic surgery in recent years. According to reports, the primary motivation is to change their appearance to be better accepted by their peers. As a result of this trend, Health Ministers in Australia have been discussing a ban on plastic surgery for teens. They have specifically stated that they are concerned about young women. They worry that they are becoming victims of idealized views about body image that can lead to drastic decisions.

The law, if passed, will require all teens to wait until they have turned 18 to go under the knife, regardless of parental consent. It is expected that this law will only come into play sometime in the next two years. In the meantime, the government is urging parents to carefully consider the motivations of their teenagers expressing interest in plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons are also encouraged to question whether or not teens want surgery for the right reasons before proceeding.

Making the Decision to Go Under the Knife

Plastic surgery can have many benefits for those that have carefully thought through their decisions. However, teens may not recognize that cosmetic procedures are serious surgeries that come with risks. Those that go under the knife without thinking about the potential outcomes are more likely to regret their decisions in the future. What Americans can learn from this story is that the decision to have plastic surgery can’t be taken lightly. Provided this is recognized, the positive benefits of plastic surgery will apply!

We’d like to hear what you think about this potential new Australian law.

Finding a Reputable Plastic Surgeon

If you would like to discuss your decision to go under the knife, contact us to arrange a consultation.

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