Posted December 28, 2021 in Uncategorized, by Dr. Fiorillo
Unfortunately, image driven obsessions often lead in a downward spiral of self doubt and poor body image. Brazilian beauty Sheila Hershey, who is married with children, is a prime example of undergoing plastic surgery for the wrong reasons. Sheila developed an infection from her surgery that required her to remove her large implants. After the downsize, Sheila could not accept the way her body naturally was, and became severely depressed that she could not hold a world title of World’s Largest Fake Breasts. After a second suicide attempt due to severe depression, Hershey is now in a coma.
It is important to discuss all medical health questions and concerns before plastic surgery. Normally any variation of surgery has results that are usually permanent, and require a great deal of thought and research. Fortunately, plastic surgeons are well equipped with knowledge, experience and information that is available to the patient. Aesthetic surgeries are normally openly discussed and well planned with before and after care. Sheila Hershey’s surgery was refused under US regulations that her implants would be too large. Instead, Hershey underwent this major surgery in her hometown of Brazil.
Sheila Hershey suffers from depression and an extremely low self esteem. She was already involved in therapy when she took a lethal dose of prescription drugs for the second time. Therefore, Hershey’s suicidal behavior is not a direct result of her plastic surgery. Unfortunately, Hersey does not have the coping skills to deal with her disease, and requires a great deal of help from a professional.
It is not in a client’s best interest to undergo any form of physical alteration if he or she is not mentally prepared for its repercussions. For example, Hershey believed she could not be an exceptional role model to her daughter without her large breast implants. Clearly there is an underlying issue that Hershey has that has nothing to do with plastic surgery. She suffers from a body image obsession that is delusional and unhealthy.
Alteration of one’s body by plastic surgery requires the patient to be of sound mind to successfully benefit from the surgery. It is wise to speak with your doctor and family about the reasons that you want to have plastic surgery in the first place.
Speak to your surgeon about the before and after effects of your specific alteration, and what the dangers and risks are that you will be susceptible to. We’re happy to bring you in for a consultation to discuss any questions or concerns you may have while determining if you’re ready for plastic surgery.
Stock images of models are used throughout this website and should not be interpreted as actual patients of our practice. Individual results may vary.