Posted February 01, 2022 in Breast Implants, Plastic Surgery News, by Dr. Fiorillo
Although the Food and Drug Administration has begun an investigation linking breast cancer and breast implants, it cannot be concluded that the two are related. Though there are rare cases relating breast cancer to silicone implants, one cannot conclude that all breast implants will cause cancer.
A new form of cancer called Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma has been getting a lot of bad media press due to its relation with implants. Cancer is so complex, and can be caused by many different factors, including genetics, environment, and lifestyle. Studies are inconclusive and cannot prove without a doubt that cancer is linked to silicone breast implants.
Times are changing and technology is getting smarter. People are becoming more aware of the risks and dangers of the actions they take on a daily basis. You hear it all over the news – millions of different things are causing cancer as more and more studies are being conducted. Red dyes used in different foods are cancerous. Staying out in the sun too long causes cancer. Talking on a mobile phone will eventually cause cancer. Radiation from your microwave will cause cancer. Whether it’s the food that we eat, our genetics, or repercussions of our daily activities, cancer is an ever-changing and growing disease that cannot be blamed on just one specific aspect.
Although there is a rare cancer link that is related to saline or silicone based breast implants, doctors are aware of its risks but continue to do surgeries because they are safe. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery claims that breast implants are not a health hazard. Millions of people have breast implant surgery, making this an $800 million dollar business every year. It cannot be concluded that everyone that has chosen to get implants will get cancer. And if there are cases related to cancer and implants, it is usually cured by removing the implants and undergoing chemotherapy and or radiation for a short period of time. It is also claimed that ALCL cancer is more moderate than regular breast cancer with no implants.
According to the National Institute for Health, fewer than five percent of women under 40 will get breast cancer. Although breast cancer is a growing concern for millions of women worldwide, it cannot be said that if one chooses to undergo breast augmentation, they will be guaranteed to get cancer someday. Breast augmentation is a personal choice. Millions of women have the surgery every year without problems, and are generally satisfied with the results both aesthetically and health-wise.
If you’d like to learn more about how breast enhancement is completed safely, please contact us today.
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