Minka Kelly Turned Down Free Plastic Surgery At 19

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Posted November 24, 2020 in Celebrity Plastic Surgery, by Dr. Fiorillo

Today, Minka Kelly is known as one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars, but she admits that when she was 19 not everyone thought so. During an interviewwith David Letterman last week, the star admitted that over a decade ago she had an opportunity with Playboy. However, this opportunity did come with strings attached. The former Playboy Playmate that approached her said she would need plastic surgery first.

Minka Kelly’s Plastic Surgery for Playboy

The former Playmate recommended that Minka have the following procedures:

The star would not have had to pay for the procedures as it was proposed that she work at a plastic surgeon’s office in return for free surgery. She decided to take the offer and began working in the clinic. After about a month, she decided that she wasn’t ready to alter her appearance and resigned.

The Personal Element of Plastic Surgery

At the age of 19, Minka Kelly was not ready to change her appearance. Younger people are often cautioned to make decisions carefully regarding plastic surgery because they are still finding themselves. If there is any uncertainty about having a procedure, patients should wait or they may find they are not satisfied with the outcome.

Plastic surgery is a personal choice, and it is a great option for different people at different points in their lives. Minka has not cast off the idea of plastic surgery altogether; for her, it simply was not the right time.

Choosing Plastic Surgery

If plastic surgery is something you are considering, please contact us to learn more.

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