Joan Rivers Brings To Light Her Plastic Surgery Past

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Posted April 28, 2020 in Skin Procedures, by Dr. Fiorillo

If there was ever a poster child for plastic surgery, it’s been Joan Rivers. Never shy about her relationship with cosmetic treatment, the Brooklyn native has spoken in the past of having work done. Of course, the exact number of times Rivers has gone under the knife has only been speculation—until now. According to a report from TVNZ, the comedienne is speaking out on just how many cosmetic procedures she’s had over the years. The number may surprise you.

According to TVNZ, “The 78-year-old TV personality revealed she has gone under the knife more than 700 times…” Beyond coming clean about the number, Rivers went on to joke about her plastic surgery past. “Speaking on TV talk show Anderson, she said: ‘Every weekend I just go in and I do something new. I get a 10th one free. It’s a little like coffee you just keep going,’” says the article. While Rivers seems to be making light of her situation, countless others are asking themselves if this amount of work is appropriate or healthy. And, while this number likely includes regular, minor treatments such as injections, the question remains: Is Joan Rivers surgery-obsessed?

Setting Realistic Plastic Surgery Goals

Rivers’ recent admission starts an interesting conversation about healthy attitudes and expectations about plastic surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) lists some key factors that help determine good candidates for cosmetic surgery. First and foremost, a good surgical candidate has “realistic expectations of the surgery itself,” says the ASPS. Unrealistic goals are a surefire way to ensure dissatisfaction and remorse.

Further, a patient should have a “good self-image, but a concern about a bothersome feature or a moderately diminished self-image due to the cosmetic defect.” Plastic surgery is not a panacea, and should not be treated as such. While there are other factors that determine plastic surgery candidacy, these are two concepts that every patient should know and understand.

Achieving Your Potential

Let us help you set realistic cosmetic goals; let us help you achieve your potential. Our Plastic Surgery Clinic offers a host of procedures, including Breast Lift SurgeryRhinoplasty and BOTOX®Contact us today and schedule your consultation. We have locations in Montvale, NJ, Pearl River, NY and SOHO, NYC. Call our offices at (845) 842-1258. We look forward to working with you.

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