Buffalo Tax Payers Funding Plastic Surgery?

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Posted September 27, 2022 in Plastic Surgery News, by Dr. Fiorillo

This past week the Buffalo District School District in the state of New York released findings that there were $8 million in plastic surgery claims made during 2009. This news has been discussed nation-wide as many have been shocked that tax payers are forced to foot the bill for a school board that is already in debt. Employees of this Buffalo school board have been eligible to receive plastic surgery covered under their health care plan, and this is a benefit that was initially negotiated into the standard contract 30 years ago. The school board is currently revisiting this policy, in part due to the public interest, but has noted that plastic surgery procedures have only been covered when they’re under a doctor’s recommendation.

This circumstance brings up an interesting debate at a time when more people than ever are speaking up about getting plastic surgery. It’s becoming more mainstream and accepted whether it’s completed to correct a true malformation or simply enhance an individual’s appearance to suit their personal preference.

According to the information released, 500 employees took advantage of this benefit and many of these individuals received tissue procedures and chemical peels. Those speaking up have been split between supporting the right to these benefits, and opposing it due to the fact that such elective surgeries can be considered unnecessary. Remember, what’s being contested here is not whether school board members in Upstate New York should be allowed to get plastic surgery; but if it should be paid for, effectively by tax payers. We’d like to hear your thoughts on this controversial issue!

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